Saturday, April 21, 2018

Day Thirteen -- Hypnodrakes

Day 13 brings us the first repetition, another draconic form. The first roll is a 7: dragon has elephant-like feet instead of claws and may be able to trample. It might also have hooves. Its unusual ability is a hypnotic theme, either due to a physical feature or vocal component. We haven't had any Lawful monsters yet, so I decided to go ahead and make them Lawful.

# encountered: 1d4
% in Lair: 50%
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 90' (30')
     Flight: 240' (80')
Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: Bite plus kick
Damage: 1d6/2d8
Save: F5
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: XVIII
XP: 200

Hypnodrakes have bodies about the size of large horses, with general dragon-like appearances: wings, prismatic scales, a whip-like tail and long, skinny neck and horned head. Curiously, their legs are those of horses. They are highly intelligent and curious.

Their shimmering scales are hypnotic to observe; anyone who looks at a hypnodrake must make a Save v. Spells to avoid being hypnotized for 1d4+1 rounds, incapable of performing any actions during this time. If the result of the Save is a natural 1 the target is charmed, as per the spell Charm Monster. They attack with a bite and a kick, but typically only do such in self-defense, as hypnodrakes are peaceful creatures and prefer to avoid conflict.

The creatures prefer to dwell in plains or hilly terrain, as likely to gallop on the ground as to fly through the air. Hypnodrakes are good parents, raising their young until they're old enough to survive on their own. 1 in 4 hypnodrakes cast spells as level 5 illusionists, without the need to have spellbooks. Hypnodrakes speak Common, Draconic and 1d4-1 other languages. They are long-lived, collecting information throughout their entire lives. Each hypnodrake specializes in a given subject, as a sage.

Lair Encounter

A family of three hypnodrakes dwells in an abandoned fortress in the Basilisk Hills. Actis and Shukar, a mated couple, and Drotral, their fifteen year-old foal, live in relative solitude, perfect for conducting their research. The two elder hypnodrakes are busy researching the remains of an ancient temple to a long forgotten antelope god, Yahdudrek; Actis specializes in the study of local gods and Shukar in the history of the Basilisk Hills. Drotral is old enough to leave the lair, but has proven useful in assisting her parents and so they have allowed her to stay.

Shukar can cast spells as a 5th level illusionist and knows the following spells: Color Spray, Light, Wall of Vapor, Detect Magic, Invisibility, Misdirection, Nondetection, Suggestion. Actis has 20 hp, Shukar 26 and Drotral 14. They have accumulated the following treasure in their exploration of the temple complex: 5000 cp, 1000 gp, a horn of blasting fashioned from an enormous antelope's horn and bound in silver, a warhammer +1, a staff of striking, two potions of healing and a clerical scroll containing a spell of Resurrection

The three hypnodrakes have been stymied in their research, however, as there are several chambers within the abandoned complex they cannot enter due to their size. They would be interested in hiring willing adventurers to complete their exploration.

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