Tuesday, October 16, 2018

1d8 Things to Find in Barren Hills

1. The downward slope of a hill is loose. Adventurers traveling down it have a 1-4 in 6 chance of starting a small rockslide. If the ground does shift, each must roll their Dexterity or less on 4d6 to remain standing. Failure indicates they fall and roll to the bottom of the hill, taking 1d6 points of damage.

2. A tribe of aggressive goats grazes on grass. Make a reaction roll with a -2 penalty to determine what they do. There are 3d8 goats.

3. The ruins of an ancient tower sits atop a hill. Nothing remains but a crumbling foundation, made of flat black stones, each inscribed with the same curious rune.

4. A lonely shepherd's hut. There's a 1-4 in 6 chance it is occupied by the aforementioned shepherd and her flock of sheep. Otherwise, it looks as if it hasn't been occupied for 1d6 months.

5. The remains of a great battle can be found, spread out over several hundred square yards. Bones, rusty armor and decaying weapons litter the ground. Searching for one hour will yield Treasure Type VII (using Labyrinth Lord).

6. A ring of standing stones, thirty feet in diameter, with each stone about eight feet in height and three to four feet in diameter. A flat slab of stone sits in the center of the ring, and it was once used as a sacrificial altars to dark gods. Now the ring stands abandoned, but those who enter feel a strong sense of forboding as they do.

7. Three twisted pines grow in a straight line atop a hill, running from east to west and spaced twenty feet apart. If one were to walk thirty paces west, along an imaginary line created by the trees, and dig, one would uncover a hoard of Treasure Type XIX (Labyrinth Lord).

8. A single human skeleton digs relentlessly into the side of a hill. Its shovel long since broken, the undead creature digs with worn fingers at the end of a shaft that runs in and down some fifteen feet. It ignores any attempt at communication, focusing solely on excavation. Otherwise it is a normal skeleton.

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