Sunday, October 14, 2018

1d8 Things to Find in the Mountains

1. Somewhere, off in the distance, the adventurers hear the low rumble of an avalanche. It lasts for 1d6 rounds before subsiding.

2. The party finds a rope bridge spanning a deep gorge. The bridge looks old and in poor condition, but it is actually quite safe. The gargoyle perched on the other side, however, does not let just anyone cross . . .

3. A peaceful alpine meadow, some three hundred yards to a side. There is a 1 in 6 chance the meadow is not what it seems.

4. An abandoned mineshaft, boarded over, with the words "Danger, goblins!" written on it in the Common tongue.

5. Embedded in the rocks on either side of a narrow pass can be seen images, impressions, fossils of animals long extinct. These fossils can be used as potent components in certain spells.

6. A dead grizzly bear, its hide pierced by what numerous small arrows. No sign can be found of the archer or archers that slew it.

7. A spring exits from a steep cliff face, forming a small waterfall that trickles down the rocks. There's a 1 in 6 chance the water is magical.

8. On a mountain peak far off in the distance the adventurers spy a pair of enormous bird-like creatures take off and land, one of them carrying what looks to be an elephant in its talons. But that's ridiculous; no bird could be *that* large.

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