Wednesday, October 10, 2018

1d8 things to find in the woods

Here's a quick random table:

1. A dead treant, branches brittle and bowed as if in agony. A family of raccoons has made a nest in the treant's mouth, frozen forever in a cry of agony.

2. Buried under a drift of leaves can be found the remains of an adventurer, little more than bones. The only thing of value to be found on the body is a silver ring, non-magical, but engraved with the intials ES on the inside of the band. The ring is worth around 10 gold.

3. A totally intact deer skull. This one has a third eye-socket, in the center of its forehead.

4. A small stream flows through the woods at this point, barely a foot wide and several inches deep. Running swiftly down an incline, the water plays a gentle melody on the grey, egg-shaped rocks that line the stream-bed.

5. The bark of a large oak tree has been scarred, as if by the claws of an enormous predator. The gashes are nearly fifteen feet off the ground.

6. A wooden chest, one side stove in as if by great force. 1d10 gold coins can be found nearby, if the adventurers spend a turn looking. It looks as if the chest has been opened recently, within the past day.

7. An enormous mushroom, three feet tall and a foot in diameter, grows in the shade of old crab-apple tree. Even a single bite is poisonous to eat, causing 3d4 points of damage (half on save v. poison), but those who do taste its flesh are the subject of an enlarge spell, as if cast by a 9th level magic-user.

8. An old, neglected dry laid stone wall, exactly one hundred and one feet long and two feet tall, running as straight as an arrow and covered in moss and lichen.

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